That is not the most beautiful photo there is from the event but I guess it will just do fine as to tell you what happened today at the Oriental Harbour - a fireworks show of which I didn't really aware of except until yesterday's evening.
So, let's not rambling much here, just click "Play" button down there and enjoy the 12 minutes video I made with my SONY DCR-SX40E. The video was edited with Windows LIVE Moviemaker 2011. But don't set your expectation high; I'm just a noob.
Now, I can absolutely make another video (a shorten version of this one) if any of you keen to watch this current video but has failed to load it due to slow connection. Just let me know through my facebook friendpage.
That's all for today. Cheerios!!
So, let's not rambling much here, just click "Play" button down there and enjoy the 12 minutes video I made with my SONY DCR-SX40E. The video was edited with Windows LIVE Moviemaker 2011. But don't set your expectation high; I'm just a noob.
Now, I can absolutely make another video (a shorten version of this one) if any of you keen to watch this current video but has failed to load it due to slow connection. Just let me know through my facebook friendpage.
That's all for today. Cheerios!!
nice woooo!!! da lame tak tengok bunga api!
BalasPadamtiponk sangat laju komen walhal video tu 13 minit hahahahhaha
aku teringat pula masa NZ, jepun, german and ada beberapa lg negara lain buat firework siap dgn music skali dkat putrajaya 2-3 tahun lepas. hehehe.. itu pun kalau ko tau ler. best wei! macam ni ler... oh! nostalgia... ;P
BalasPadam@maisyara Pot! Pot!
BalasPadamtime tu aku xpegi sbb xde transport...demmmmm
BalasPadamcis! kau nih.hahaha aku sambung tengok kat fb lak =) hahaha lame gile kot =.=
BalasPadamhahahha oke2......mmg aku expect ramai org xleh tengok sbb 13 minit kot.....
btw kalo comel lebih, share la kt fb ngahahahha tamaknye aku
BalasPadamoh ! aku da share sebelum aku baca nih . hahaha
video unavailable :(
BalasPadamouh, I cannot view oso..sob sob sob
BalasPadamgua blur
mesti ko rase hepi jek bila tgok fireworks an??...hahaha [tetibe~]
BalasPadamTerjah lah blog aku : ..::jacKsky.reaCHing da' sKy wITh tSuBasA::..
HAHHA statement hamzah ian (terbaca) tak boleh blah . guna la translation . hahaha
BalasPadamsemalam aku dengar je org main mercun sebab deepavali. dengan rasa sedih aku bagi tau budak2 laen "Slamat deepavali. Raikan dengan keriangan 3 esaimen yang perlu di submit waktu final. Sekian saja cerita gembira hari ni >.<
BalasPadamWOW!! COOL....
BalasPadam~ DanieL AdiE ~
cool!dekat Auckland ade merata2.tiap2 mlm dgr.hoho~
BalasPadambest je
BalasPadamthaks for uploading the video...aku yg pendek berada di belakang org tggi2 kta berdiri atas civic yg rendah2 aku kureng nmpk sket...I'll upload picture yg aku capture byk yg xjadi sbb tgn gigil2 sejuk~
BalasPadamcepat2 upload!!hehe
btw, sesiapa yg xleh view sorry skang dah boleh dah
sesiapa xfaham english, sorry. tengok video je boleh faham
walala Arc~
BalasPadamkamu punya post ni syok!
jeles weh~
nak gak~
BalasPadamMalaysia kan byk benda menarik~
kat mesia fireworks nya tak meriah macam ni.
BalasPadamtak penah ke oversea.
lama gilerr kott tunggu buffer guna berukband T_____T
BalasPadamkat umah la bukak balik entry ni nanti..hikhik
btw lagu blog yang ang tanya tu
Everybody by Ingrid Michealson :)
BalasPadamtiap2 malam dan merta? pastinya auckland bukan tempat yang kondusif utk belajar. hari2 bising berpesta dan berbau sulfur
BalasPadamselallu jer dpt tgk fireworks melalui tingkap bilik. hhehehe. anyhows nice event. tapi video lembab...hmm:(
BalasPadamohoiiiiiii! sekat-sekat plak dah, penat tunggu dia habis loading.. hahahaa :D
BalasPadamhehhe korang leh usha disini