Of Birthday Cake and Card


So, today is 13th May and it's Friday, and there are no other person that could resemble these two features better than Jason of Friday the 13th and Rebecca Black.

That would be pretty lame because it is my birthday today. Yes sir, I was born on 13th May and I am pretty much go against racism. In case any of you are wondering why Ive been using panda as my signature all this time, it's because Pandas are black and white, and also Asian.

Anyway, birthdays are not birthdays unless they have cakes and cards. Only that, mine is more awesome than any of you ever had. Here is a photo of my birthday cake

This cake is called the Creator and was ordered from Wellington's Cuba Street Hellpizza store. Its pretty cheap too, ONLY NZD20, which  is equivalent to RM47.37. Superb.

last but not least, here's a photo of my birthday card. The only thing that's interesting about this birthday card is it does not have any birthday wish on it, nor in the content. This one was purchased at NZD115 (RM272.39). Really cheap for a birthday card

Just so you know, Im having a birthday party at 11 a.m today. No balloons and clowns, only papers, pencils, pens, and fear. Oh, and the party is named " PSYC231 Test 3"

Happy 13th birthday for me. Still young and kicking asses.


  1. good luck for the test.. n selamat hari lahir..

  2. happy birthday arc13!

    may God bless u..
    and all the best..

    btw. yang keberapa? :D

  3. ok mcm sedih tp takpe,at least tahun lepas dah dpt kek ada topi merah hehe.

  4. birthday versi pasrah.... :)... chaiyok2..gambateh kundasai...(apsal rasa comel mcm kupukupu kecil?)

  5. semalam dah wish beday tapi blogspot ada masalah.. takpelah.. wish poolak ari nie kat sni.. hihi..

    happy belated beday arc13..
    may Allah bless u..
    all d best..
    wat entri masyuk lg kalo ada masa.. :D

  6. bday arcx?
    happy birthday, may Allah bless u. :)

  7. aik.. komen hilang..
    nasib baik dh wish kat fesbuk..
    cantik bday kad ko.. aha..

    p/s: cek email deh..

  8. happy belated birthday encik panda!
    moga Allah permudahkan setiap urusan encik panda yer...insyaAllah...

  9. arc,

    happy belated birthday. may Allah bless u with good health and happiness years ahead.

    sori lambat wish. aku malas wish kat fesbuk. aku kan pemalu. haha



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