Gambar Bunga Tulip New Zealand

It's a shame, really that my Picasa album is corrupted and that had caused my old posts including the one featuring all those beautiful flower photos to disappear. Therefore, I conclude that I will be posting more photos of New Zealand gorgeous flowers in case there are people looking for them and was directed to this blog.

Obviously, this is not a tulip. I just thought that it is an interesting tree with all those gorgeous blooming flowers and it deserves a place in this post. Well then, lets feast our eyes with some tulips photos...

I only shot a few this year, but let me compensate that with a few photo from last year's Wellington Botanical Garden Tulip Festival.

If you want to see more, and another version of these photos, feel free to visit my facebook photo album . There's a Wellington Rose Festival coming up soon and I will make sure that I post those photos here. Some of them, at least.

Until then, please click "like" below. Cheers


  1. silalah upload bebanyak kat fesbuk kau tu haaa. nak nengokkkk!

  2. dah kire setahun la kenal abam panda, since buatkan header pd musim bunga tahun lalu *abg pulak la kan,padalah pangkat adik*

    btw, cantikkkkkkkkk!

  3. Nasib baik boleh tengok photo album tu w/pun bukan friends.. :)

    Suka tengok gambar2 bunga ni.. Cantik... Kat rumah ni ada jugak bunga tulip, tapi yang plastik laa.. ha ha ha....

  4. weii..cantiknye la hai bunga-bunga tu..

  5. subhanallah..sgt cantik..
    sbg owg yg minat & cinta tulip, rse gembira dgn pkongsian yg dbuat..
    memandangkan xde pluang nk tgk in real, bsyukur sb sudi bkongsi..
    thanks :)

  6. @syAzAnA hahaha internet limited. tu je aku mampu weyyy

  7. @~ Cik Azz ~ album gambar mmg set ke 'public'

    Orang yang 'subscribe' dpt tengok semua public list :)

  8. @tulipituadalahaku sama2 glad that there are people who appreciate these photos :)


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