Profile Pengguna Instagram Baru

So today I woke up at 3pm in the morning (lol) and went online to see if there's anything worth noticing. Sometimes internet, as limitless as they say, seems very limited to me. Same topic encircle the sphere, by the very same people - a point I raised in this post. But there is one thing that appears to be same everyday but has its own uniqueness; or dare I to say, art. Yes people, I'm talking about photos, and one platform that I visit every day is instagram

Sesetengah orang tak suka dengan instagram sebab dikatakan benda ni membuatkan orang yang ada telefon canggih perasan diri mereka tu photographer professional. In my opinion, if you want real photo, go to Flickr la wey. Instagram is good for people who appreciate faux-editing (lol aku pun sama) and square frame composition. (Gambar kamera di Flickr majoriti guna 5x8 inch punya format, saiz biasa)
Kesimpulannya, benda ni best la jugak. Benda tak cantik pun boleh jadi cantik. Muka tak hensem pun jadi lebih hensem la sikit lepastu edit then upload jadi profile picture.

Baru-baru ni instagram dah keluarkan user profile. Before this, we had no such thing: Clicking on my link from Facebook will direct you to a single photo; but not now. You can browse the whole album from your computer and this is good for people who hate holding their big-ass smartphone like Galaxy Note 2.

Here's what my profile look like. Follow my instagram @arcx13

More info of the new change here. I update my collection regularly (on average of 1 photo every 2 days) on nature, and cityscape in New Zealand. I'm leaving this majestic place in a month time so I will be posting everything I find interesting in the mean time.

Till next post, please click "like" below. It really helps me to write more.


  1. insta akk xde lg sob sob mementanglah bukan artis dia buat² meleceh plak :"(

  2. lol. selama ni aku insta je. tapi tak tau pulak rupa profile dia kat net camne. thanks la. baru tau.

    aku setuju sebab mmg orang suka art. gmbar pon undeniable lawa.

    but then, ada yg jenis insta hari2 muka dia. bangun tdo, b4 off. style camtu menyampah gak kadang2. err. nak unfollow, member. -_-"

  3. @Hansyirah Takezur aku dah unfollow dah org cmtu. lawa takpe gak hahahahhaha


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