Educational Psychology: Why is it interesting?

When I come up with notions like “I really love learning educational psychology” and “(certain topic) is really interesting” I will be seen as a weirdo who just landed from Mars, a Martian. I don’t care really. I know myself. I like lots of things and I really love learning. Just so you know, I got B+ for that subject and the only thing that pissed me off during that time was that my classmates who played with their fancy iPhones got better grades than I did. Well I don’t want to care about that because I know I learn a lot of things in that class. The weird thing about me is that I am curious and interested about lots of things. I like Physics, Chemistry, Calculus, and Algebra –the lots. Although I know I suck a bit at few of these subjects, I don’t care. I love learning about them. 

When I was in school, I had always wanted to be a judge, a lawyer, a marine biologist, and the last ambition I had was to become a veterinarian. Every time I learn new things that fascinate me, I want to make them my life career. Growing up, I have never stopped asking about everything. Even though there were moments when people got tired of my questions (more than hundred times, I swear), I teach myself to never give up. There are moments when I feel so dejected because my questions are not answered, they are rendered as mediocre, unimportant, and stupid, and they are just too tired to answer my questions. I am not going to lie. 

That is one of the reasons why I love educational psychology. The lecturer, even though could not really teach well, he never shot my questions down. He had always been there to entertain my endless questions about Oedipus complex, and Gestalt theory, and how human has been conditioned since birth and all. There were also moments when we had heated arguments in class because I did not agree with his examples. He, unlike most of the teachers I have met in 20 years of learning, has never discouraged me from being curious. I understand that some of us might be deeply affected by the lecturers when learning. We usually succumb to the quality of the lecturers; if their quality of teaching is really bad, we decide to just ignore them and choose not to like the subject and end up having effed up grades. Don’t do that. The waste is on you, not the lecturers. For once, do something for yourself. Love a subject not because of the lecturer, but because you know that subject is interesting and you want to know more about it.

Another reason why I really like learning about educational psychology is that the topics that we learned are all fascinating. You know that feeling when you really like something, you don’t mind going the extra mile just to get it? That’s how I feel. I don’t mind spending hours and hours between the book shelves in the library to find the best references for the assignments. Sometimes, I go online just to read on articles that are related to educational psychology like bullying cases at school just because I want to. I am not even learning this subject this semester. But I don’t mind doing it.

Apart from these two reasons, I love educational psychology because some of the topics help clear up on certain issues. I have been looking for reasons why some people turn to homosexuals, and only after learning about Oedipus theory, I got some ideas on how homosexuality is triggered. This subject teaches me why humans act certain ways. It also educates me on why teenagers are so rebellious and hormonal; and why some children turn into certain kind of adults. It’s interesting. These are all theories and even though there have been few research conducted, they are not really proven to be legitimate and true. Even though they are theories, some of them actually make sense in my brain.

I have this one philosophy that I have been holding on to since I was 17 –to learn for the sake of knowing instead of for the sake of getting great grades. I find satisfaction in being able to know and explain in detail about subjects in educational psychology. To those of you who are interested in venturing in educational psychology, or pure psychology, my advice to you is to not focus just on finding jobs and getting good grades. I believe that when the time comes, you will get that job, or you can even create one. This is a very interesting field and it would be a waste to go after it just for reasons like getting great jobs. I wish you all the best and may the force be with you.


  1. Couldnt agree more! Ive spent 5 years getting my degree with denial to the passive educational environment.huhu. Sadly, they wanted to produce A-Memorized-Pact-Grads. Students who ask or provide the out of the box examples and ideas, are weirdo! Me, myself been low graded just because I dun answer according to notes (I did my own research and online surf). Some lecturers prefer students who listen than think (^,^)... Still, it shouldnt stop us from learning. Right?

  2. Yes, I agree. Students who are self-learning at this stage of education should never, ever rely solely on notes especially in field such as this. I found out that things I learned back when I was an undergrad, is now rendered useless due to the advancement of new research and knowledge. Shame on lecturers and professors who do not learn that knowledge is an ever-changing, dynamic thing

  3. "I got B+ for that subject and the only thing that pissed me off during that time was that my classmates who played with their fancy iPhones got better grades than I did."

    why do you have to be pissed off if you think learning to get knowledge is more important than grades? your friends might have worked their ass off to get good grades, they might have studied hard and deserved what they've put their effort in. if you think what you're doing is right then don't bother about how or what other people have achieved. your self-satisfaction might be learning for the sake of getting knowledge, but maybe theirs is getting good grades. :)

  4. Thus the next sentences. That's the whole point of me writing the article.

  5. hahaha people do this a lot emme. Sometimes I get discomforted too


  6. Do what? Questioning your statement or trying to tell you what to do with your life?

  7. read one line without proceeding to the next one and leave a comment based on their judgment of that first line

  8. Oh haha that one. Meh I am not gonna stop writing just because of that.

  9. Yeah this is great actually /o/////

  10. Thumbs up.. Awak memang seorang penyabar.. (==,)

  11. Saya lepasan spm mrsm 09...berminat dalam bidang psikologi.bukan pilihan yg mudah untuk saya...selepas itu saya sambung asasi uitm p.alam...alhamdulillah kini saya menyambung ijazah sarjana psikologi di UPSI...saya first batch...most kat sini concentration clinical syarat perlu science stream in asasi/matriks/stpm...or dip in sem 7..iA .saya akan supervised fieldwork kat hospital bhagia ulu kinta...sebb kat upsi ada 8 semester sape nak join most welcome...the course getting future lab2 will equip better...

  12. salam. saya pelajar lepasan stpm. pointer saya antara 3.00 - 3.50 dan saya telah ditawarkan degree dalam bidang psikologi di UIA. ini berdasarkan pengalaman saya. harap membantu.

  13. Salam.. saya lepasan diploma perakaunan.. dan berhasrat ingin menyambung ke psikologi.. saya ingin meminta pandangan saudara mengenai program psikologi di unisel.. Mana yg lagi bagus, belajar di ipta atau ipts dalam bidang psikologi.. terima kasih atas masa yang diluangkan..

  14. assalamualaikum. saya sekarang sedang belajar psikologi di asasi di malaysia. saya berminat nak sambung degree psikologi di luar negara mcm bro . boleh bro share kan sedikit info mcm mana caranya ?saya kekurangan info di sini. and overseas mana yg famous for its psychology course. tq.

  15. sorry cara saya one-off dan takkan dibuka lagi. Dan belum ada niat nak buka cerita pasal tu :)

  16. Mana yang bagus, depends pada diri awak. Bukan universiti :)

  17. حازيق زيلاني10 November 2014 pada 11:15 PTG

    assalamualaikum. sy lepasan pelajar diploma makmal perubatan uitm. soalan sy, boleh tak sy melanjutkan pelajaran sy dlm jurusan psikologi di peringkat dgree? sbb sy betul2 berminat.

  18. Saudara Irsyadzb, sy nak tnya, brapa umur awak swaktu mnyambung ijazah sarjana psikologi di UPSI dan brapa tmpoh masa yg di ambil utk tamatkn pengajian kat UPSI? Im clueless, help me please...

  19. Assalamualaikum bro Ash..nak tanya, is that possible for engineering student to continue their study in psychology course for master??

  20. i'm one of the student yg amek degree psikologi kanak kanak dan keluarga di UMS.. sekarang 2nd year student.. dan sedang planning to further my study still dlm psikologi jugak.. cuma not sure nak amek yg mana.. dok google google uni mana.. then jumpa blog ni. nica blog!

  21. nak tanya adakah bio/kimia/fizik memang penting untuk memasuki bidang psikologi
    .selain itu adakah cara lain sebagai pelajar kelas akaun yg tidak mengambil subjek bio/kimia/fizik utk memasuk university dan memasuki bidang psikologi kaunseling???

  22. sama lah nak tanya klu kite bidang akaun bleh ke msuk amek course psikologi? or mmg utk aliran sains sahaja? kalau ada minat mndalam dlm psikologi mcm mne ye.. one more thing asasi da matriks mmg kena amek aliran sains ? tq :)

  23. nak tanya klu kite bidang akaun bleh ke msuk amek course psikologi? or mmg utk aliran sains sahaja? kalau ada minat mndalam dlm psikologi mcm mne ye.. one more thing asasi da matriks mmg kena amek aliran sains ? tq :)

  24. salam... saya nak tanya, memang kena ada diploma dulu ke baru boleh sambung ijazah? boleh tak terus ambil ijazah je? orang OKU boleh menceburi bidang ni tak>

  25. Untuk neurosains memang tak layak. Psikologi ni ada banyak cabang dan ada yang condong ke arah sains hardcore, ada yang ke arah arts. Check with faculty

  26. Tidak boleh. Sistem di Malaysia dan banyak negara luar mewajibkan pre-U course/A-level/matrik/diploma sebelum ambil ijazah

  27. saya lepasan spm 2014.. saya nak tanya kalau saya nak masuk matrik sebelum meneruskan bidang psikologi, bidang apa yang saya perlu ambil di matrik?

  28. lelaki yg perlukan jawapan2 Mac 2015 pada 4:04 PTG

    Salam.. saya pelajar tahun 4 bahasa arab di sebuah universiti luar negara..

    Selama 4 tahun saya belajar bahasa. Saya tak dapat rasa kemanisan belajar tu sebab saya dipaksa untuk datang ke sini. Selepas 4 tahun , baru saya dapat yakinkan ibu ayah untuk bawa saya kembali ke malaysia lantaran kebelakangan ini saya selalu murung dan tak dapat catch up dgn pelajaran..

    Saya sebenarnya agak berminat dengan psikologi. Masih ada peluang atau tidak untuk saya sambung bidang ini di malaysia ?

  29. salam, saya baru lepasan spm dan mendapat tetapi mathematic saya d. Boleh apply juga?

  30. Saya lepasan SPM tahun lepas dan saya dapat D untuk Chemistry. Adakah saya layak untuk memasuki program ini?

  31. Setahu saya kemasukan ijazah sarjana muda tidak menetapkan had umur. Jadi, why not?

  32. tidak ada kemasukan degree terus daripada SPM

  33. apa yg plg best pasal psikologi ni?

  34. terima kasih atas sokongan..

    saya sedang buntu dan hilang arah.. sahabat2 satu batch balik ke malaysia bawa ijazah tapi saya balik dengan kosong tanpa apa2 pencapaian..

    terima kasih sekali lagi..

  35. lelaki yg perlukan jawapan7 Mac 2015 pada 3:29 PG

    terima kasih atas sokongan..

    saya sedang buntu dan hilang
    arah.. sahabat2 satu batch balik ke malaysia bawa ijazah tapi saya balik
    dengan kosong tanpa apa2 pencapaian..

    terima kasih sekali lagi..

  36. all the best in your future undertaking ;)

  37. bila dah belajar dan ada orang tanya macam ni, kita tak jawab. Bestnyaa


  39. Assalamualaikum, nak tanya mcm mana pula about career prospect dlm bidang psikologi lepas habis study?

  40. sedih bila math dpt E ... dpt pointer 3 keatas stpm .. ada org kata smua ipta memang takkan ambik walaupun pointer 3 keatas.. btul ke?

  41. Hye. Kalau ambik diploma in psychology after that ambik degree psychiatric boleh ke?

  42. Saya lepasan SPM tahun ni. Saya nak tanya boleh ke saya ambil psychologu kalau saya takde bio. Saya cuma ambil kimia and fizik

  43. hanis rujuk sini ya

  44. salam, kalau sy join diploma pendidikan awal kanak2 atau diploma sains kat upsi, saya boleh join psych kan untuk ijazah nanti?

  45. kalau masuk upsi tak semestinya jd cikgu kan? :D

  46. lari topik. Yang tu kena tanya pakar dalam bidang tu ya

  47. Wani baca sini

  48. Baca sini wani

  49. Saya pelajar lpsan spm 2014.. Saya ingin lanjutkn plajaran ke matrikulasi... Leps tu saya boleh smbung jurusn psokologi ka... Kerjaya apa yg sesuai dgn bidg nie 😐😐

  50. boleh. tengok artikel terbaru

  51. Saya calon spm 2015 aliran sastera. Boleh ke saya apply utk cos psikologi walaupun saya aliran sastera?? Thank you.

  52. baca ni

  53. saya nak tanya, kalau ambik asasi apa course yg patut diambik utk smbg degree dlm bidang psikology?

  54. nah

  55. Sy lepasan diploma dlm bidang kalu nk sambung degree ke bidang psikologi ni agak2 boleh x???

  56. aslmkum..klu ms dgree dl sy amik bdg ln..then jika mster sy nk ambil bdg psikologi (full rsrch) adakah sy msh ada pluang untuk mnjadi seorg pensyarah dlm bdg psikologi?since rscrh mode sy xde ambil kls (dgree dl kos sy agak bkaitan juga dgn psikologi).

  57. Hi um nak tanya,nanti kalau masuk matriks kena ambil modul berapa ye utk lanjutkan degree in psychology?

  58. sangat membantu untuk saya nak sambung belajar utk ambil kos ini ,
    lebih lebih lagi di UKM .
    really appreciate it .

    semoga dipermudahkan urusan .

    thank you so much !

  59. yg penting ada latar blakang sains.. tp ada kawan, dia dari akaun, tp in degree dia sambung psikologi.. hard to say...

  60. sekiranya berumur 21 tahun ke atas pada 1 januari pd tahun kemasukan, boleh memohon melalui Kemasukan Terbuka. OUM ada tawarkan

  61. terima kasih atas pencerahan tersebut :)


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